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Personal Data (Privacy) Policy

Personal Data (Privacy) Policy
Privacy Policy Statement

The following is a privacy policy statement under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the B.V.I. White Factor International Limited (hereinafter referred to as “our” or “the Company”). We will ensure that our staff will strictly enforce the personal information confidentiality in accordance with the relevant policies.

The company protects all information provided by customers and users of this website. For Membership Registration, Inquiries, and ‘Forward to Friends’function, we may need to collect personal information and record the IP address of the user’s computer. We will not collect any other information sufficient for individual identification, when the user browses our website. We only record their browsing as a single click and do not collect any personal data. This information will be used to compile general statistics about the use of our website.

If the user provides the personal information by using the services/promotions provided by the company, or applying for/participating in such services/promotion, the user agrees to this privacy policy and the collection, use, acquire, transfer, store and process of your personal data as described in this policy. Users will be informed of the purpose and use of the Personal Data Collection Statement stated in the website, including the transmission and disclosure of the information; access to and correction of the personal data collected.

Using Cookies file

We use cookies on our website to improve the performance of our website and enhance your online experience. We use Session cookies to enable you to view and use the basic features of the website, such as retaining login information and reducing the need for data transfer on the Internet. We use Google Analytics to identify revisited users so that we can better understand how, the duration and how often users spend browsing our website and browsing the website to improve our website. When you visit our website, we use Font size cookies to provide the appropriate character appearance. We will not collect any personal data from you when we use cookies.

The collection of any personal data will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the Company’s Personal Information Collection Statement. Personal data will be stored securely in our system, and the Company will take all practicable steps to ensure that personal data is kept for a period of time not exceeding the purpose of storing it for the purpose of being used or might be used (including the duration required for any directly related purpose). Only the trained and authorized staffs are allowed to access such personal data. Except for the persons listed in the Personal Information Collection Statement, we will not publish such personal data to any person outside the Company. User has the right to access to and correct their personal data according to the procedures set out in the Personal Information Collection Statement.

From time to time, the Company may send to them direct marketing messages promoting products and services based on their personal data. In the direct marketing process, we will appropriately provide the ‘denial of service option’.
The company will do its utmost to ensure that the privacy of users is properly protected. This website uses 128-bit Secure Messaging End-to-End Privacy Technology (SSL) to process your personal data. However, given the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that “complete protection” can be achieved.

The company will use third party content providers and service providers and provide links to other websites. Such third parties may collect personal data about the user as they use their services. These third parties will act in accordance with their privacy policy, and our Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement do not cover such third parties.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy and practices, please email us at [email protected] to B. V. I. Business White Factor International Limited (White Factor) or to Unit B&C, 11/F Liberal Factory Building, No. 3 Wing Ming Street, Cheung Sha Wan with attention to Marketing Department.

Personal Data Collection Statement

This statement is issued in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) and informs you of the purpose for which it was collected and your consent to how we use it and your rights. This statement will be changed from time to time, so please check it regularly. By registering to use our services and every time you log into our website, you agree to accept the personal data collection statement in effect at the time.

Collection of data

When registering as a user and using our website, users will be asked to provide us with personally identifiable information, including name, email address, shipping/billing address, telephone number, mobile phone number, etc. It is necessary for us to collect information about our users in order to provide users with the services and activities of this website. If the user fails to provide the required information, we will not be able to provide users with services and activities available on our website.

Purpose and use of the information

The information we collect will be used for the following purposes:

  • Monitor the operation of this website and assist in the future development of this website;
  • Compile the overall statistics of our users for analysis of the use of the website;
  • Set up accounts and maintain accounts for users who wish to register for the services provided on this website;
  • Identify and verify the identity of users who use the services provided on this website;
  • Communicate with users regarding matters arising from or through the use of the services provided on this website;

We intend to use your name, contact information and any information relating to goods and services that may be of interest to provide information that may be of interest to you, including targeted banner ads, new services and products, and other offers and direct promotions, including products, services, consulting, and opinions. We shall not use or provide such information to such institutions without your consent. You may agree to provide information to our website or express your consent in writing to our Marketing Department at no additional charge.

Computer data collection

When you browse the White Factor Hong Kong website, the company’s server will automatically record the data transmitted by your browser. The information includes your computer’s IP address, browser type, web pages viewed before browsing our website, pages viewed on the White Factor Hong Kong website, time of use on the above pages, products and materials searched on our website, and access time. And date, as well as other statistics. The information collected will be used for analysis and evaluation to help improve this website and the services and products we provide. This information will not be used in conjunction with other personal data.

Data transfer

We will not disclose or transmit your information to any other person in a manner that is identifiable to you, except for the relevant information of the relevant person and the organization.

Access to information

You have the right to request access to and correction of the information we hold about you, if you agree to pay us a reasonable handling fee. If you need to check whether we hold your personal data or if you want to access or correct any inaccuracies, please email [email protected], or visit B. V. I. White Factor International Co., Ltd. Or mail it to Unit B&C, 11/F Liberal Factory Building, No. 3 Wing Ming Street, Cheung Sha Wan with attention to Marketing Department.

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